UN human rights coucil Geneva
From 3rd to 25th March 2008 the 7th Session of the UN human rights council is taking place. Today some of the deligates have made remarks about the current situation in Tibet. And have challenged the chinese delegation to make a statement. Watch the live webcast on the UN-HRC website.
China getting ready
Human rights in China and the Beijing Olympics
As the clock ticks down to the start of the Beijing Olympics, Amnesty International is hopeful the event can create a positive human rights legacy for the people of China.
The Chinese government have promised action. Now the ball is in their court.
There are high expectations that the Games will spark improvements in China’s human rights record. When Beijing was chosen as the host city for the Games, both the Chinese authorities and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) spoke publicly of the “unique legacy” it would leave to China and to sport. This included progress in human rights.
Although there have been some positive changes since then, such as a reform of the death penalty system and greater reporting freedom for foreign journalists, these have been overshadowed by a deterioration in other areas.
The Games are being used as a justification to extend the use of detention without trial in Beijing as part of the city’s “clean-up” ahead of August 2008. Meanwhile, human rights activists are increasingly subjected to harassment, house arrest and unfair trials.
Comments on Tibet in the New Zealand Parliament
Greens and United Future comment on Tibet in NZ Parliament.
Tibetans Protest China’s Torch Relay Launch
Tibetans and supporters from across Europe and North American protested the launch of China’s Olympic Torch Relay today in Olympia, Greece. Once again, China’s leadership was painfully reminded that the occupation and current crackdown in Tibet will prevent them from gaining the international acceptance they so desire. We demanded the IOC immediately withdraw Tibet from the Torch Relay. We showed China that Tibetan freedom is inevitable.
In the video below, Tibetans and supporters from Switzerland, Germany, Greece, United States, Czech Republic, Canada and the United Kingdom protests China’s Olympic Torch Relay Launch today in Olympia, Greece
Chinese cultural oppression
It’s a sad fact, that western media often do not reflect and think deeply and deversified enough about oppressions agains cultures and liberation movements. The example the fact that “Che Guevara” has become a “Pop icone” and “fashion paradigm” shows how stupid the outcome of globalised economy influences our society.
The Tibet liberation movement is not an issue, that can be simplified down to “Tibet against China” not “good vs. evil”. The internet communication is one of the few exaples that show, that a cultural globalisation is possible as well. The chinese government oppresses chinese artists, writers and “intellectuals” for years. An official letter of “Chinese Intellectuals” to the chinese government shows how diversified this issue is:
China blocking Video sites
“It’s not just YouTube that’s blocked in China. After the unrest in Tibet, at least 25 video sharing sites have been shut down and others have been penalized. While the Chinese government is not admitting that violence in Tibet had anything to do with it, they do have a sudden interest in strictly enforcing licensing restrictions that require video sharing websites to register with the government. Among other things, Chinese video sharing sites must promise not to show videos that inspire fear, contain pornography, or endanger national security.”
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Cyber attac agains Tibetans
“The SANS Internet Storm Center reports about an increasing number of sophisticated and targeted cyber attacks against Tibetan NGOs. These attacks appear to be related to attacks against other anti-chinese groups like Falun Gong. ‘There is lots of media coverage on the protests in Tibet. Something that lies under the surface, and rarely gets a blip in the press, are the various targeted cyber attacks that have been taking place against these various communities recently. These attacks are not limited to various Tibetan NGOs and support groups. They have been reported dating back to 2002, and even somewhat before that, and have affected several other communities, including Falun Gong and the Uyghurs.'”
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Dead Tibetan Monks
On the following Links you can find some picures of Tibetans, that have been shot by chinese soldiers:
Kirti Photos (warning: images of dead bodies)